Percy Mason Gala on 30th November and 1st December

Please find details of the Percey Mason gala run by Warriors of Warrington  please download forms and return to Maureen or Shaun or submit online 

Thank you


Percy Mason Meet 2013

Our Percy Mason Memorial Gala will be held this year on Saturday 30th November & Sunday 1st December at Orford Jubilee Park, Warrington.

This is a level 3 licensed meet open to 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 & over swimmers. Note this year we are permitting 9 year olds to enter if they meet the 10 year old qualifying times. We very much welcome competitors from other clubs to join us.

Please find attached below the meet conditions and information, qualifying times and entry forms. The electronic entry file from Hy-Tek Team Manager software will be posted on the website next week if clubs wish to make an electronic entry or you can request it from

We look forward to seeing you there.